The Emmy's are tomorrow! I know, I know... Hollywood award shows are worse than High School Homecomings, but I can't help it. I love the red carpet shows and the dresses and the (sometimes) heinous host jokes. Plus, what other night are all my favorite TV peeps in one place?!
Still, if we're talking about "hosts" and "heinous" - I do sort of have a bone to pick with the Academy in regard to their choice for this year. Seriously, Hugh Laurie was supposedly offered the job and they gave it to Seacrest?! Someone's gonna be regretting that come Monday morning.
But whatever, I'll love it to pieces anyway, especially if Jenna Fischer and Rainn Wilson win.
And if anybody out there cares, I'll probably make camp in front of a very large TV screen somewhere and update the blog as the evening moves along. Feel free to join me... Central Standard Time.
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