Season 2, Chapter 5
Fight or Flight
Fight or Flight
A random snapshot and thoughts...
1. Riddle me this, Mohinder. Why the hell did you take Molly to The Company? Not your best move. And then, you're sent to investigate Monica? Wha...huh?
2. So, Matt's daddy is a freakin' weirdo. I mean, yikes! But was he giving us a little foreshadowing of Parkman's future? And why do they have the same power, or derivative thereof?
3. Peter - You're goobing me out.
4. What is with Scarface!Nathan? Huh? HUH?
5. So Nikki has the virus, turned herself in and is going to do it with Mohinder. Wait, was the last part not in the episode?
People/Things I'm bored with...
1. Monica. I really thought her power was going to be awesome catering. As a Food Network junkie, I'd prefer it.
2. Again, they weren't in the episode tonight, but seriously, I'm jumping on board with the, "Maya and her brother are the new Nikki/Paulo" train. Most exciting thing I've seen in regard to them was Sylar's promise to kill them in next week's preview.
3. Ando. *yawn*
4. The really bad accents in Ireland.
5. Micah and his super reasoning skills. What kid would have made that association about Monica, with or without the comic book? I know, I know... he's a genius. Fine, I'll give it to him... but right now, that whole family is taxing my attention span.
Things I want...
1. And Elle/Sylar face off. (It makes me a little giddy that KB and Zach are such cute friends offscreen, great chemistry already - so I can only imagine how well they'd play off one another ONscreen.)
2. Sark in present day. Feudal Japan has to go.
3. Bear to stop flying around with Peter Pan. (Not in this episode, but just weighing on my mind.)
Best in show...

P.S. Who's your daddy? No. Really. Who's your daddy... the one on the phone?
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