Soooo... I cried.
It's ridiculous, but I did. And I can only imagine what this means for me next week. Good grief! I knew I'd be sad, but I wasn't expecting this! I totally had to "take a moment" before I moved on to Veronica...
I was glad to see...
1. Lorelai and Christopher "okay" with one another. Don't get me wrong, I was never, ever a fan of their relationship, but he is Rory's father, which means he'll be around forever. They've got to get through the weird and into the comfortable. (I do hate we won't get to see he and Luke 'fleece it out' or peek in on family gatherings 20 years from now when Luke and Lorelai, Rory and her man and Chris and whoever he ends up with are all there together. I'd love to be part of that family, too.)
2. The promise of Rory and Paris in the future. I really don't think they can get rid of each other - even if they're thousands of miles apart. I LOVE friends like that. Seriously, the scene between the two with Paris and her, "unto the breach" comment... well, let's just say there was some wetness behind the eyes. (I'm guessing this means no Paris in the finale.)
Calling up the emotion...
Here's what I love about a show that does its job (and believe me, Gilmore has had moments it completely missed the mark): people feel something. The writers or the actors touch on an issue or a time or place in life and the audience "gets it." I've had issues this season with Rory's college ups and downs - and I've been there, but it just didn't always hit for me. Tonight, however, with graduation, friends parting ways and packing up to move out of the place you've found yourself (literally and figuratively) in for the last four years, was a rush of emotions. Excitement, sadness, nostalgia, hope... and I got a little glimpse of all those things for Rory. She's right, the world's wide open, and I remember that feeling with fondness. This episode really took me back.

I'm interested to see how it all shakes out (the preview gave us a little glimpse) next week, but more than anything, I want to leave my girls knowing they're happy, and where they want to be.
God, I'm getting choked up again.
I think Logan will show up at the graduation reenactment and say that he'd rather have something than nothing.
Glad to see a review of the episode that doesn't include gleeful cheers for Logan's departure... and comments about how it should have happened two years ago.
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