Wow. I mean, I knew... but... wow.
HOLY @%!* Moments...
1. Sayid snapping dude's neck with his legs.
2. Hurley running a man down with the van.
3. Sawyer killing YET another person.
4. Danielle and Alex, face to face.
5. Um... Kate and Jack. Off the island?!
That's right... THEY GOT OFF THE ISLAND!
Well, at least Jack and Kate did. I loved my happy, emotional, stirring, LOST music, all of the characters hugging when Jack made the call... only to see him broken, crying, and wishing to go back a few minutes later. We weren't given any clues, but I think it's been a while since their rescue. Sarah wasn't shocked to see Jack in the hospital and even said, "Are you drinking again," like they'd been through it all before. Kate's behavior, Jack's words... all lend me toward this conclusion - but what do I know? I'm just guessing. So why are they not happy to be home? Even though Kate doesn't look "terrible," she doesn't look happy. I'm thinking she's running from the pain, while Jack's taking it all on... pretty characteristic of them both.
As for Jack and Kate...

Let's talk about the Foxy...

Charlie's big send-off...

So, what do we know?
1. Jack made contact with Naomi's boat and it's headed toward the island.
2. Penny knows Desmond's alive, so we can bet she'll have men on it ASAP.
3. Desmond knows Naomi's boat is NOT Penny's, so he can warn Jack and the LOSTies. Of course, since we know where Jack ended up, something obviously went down that Desmond couldn't stop.
4. Kate and Jack made it off the island.
5. Something happened between Jack's radio call and his post-island meeting with Kate - and it's shaken them to the core.
Things we don't know... (besides a lot)
1. How the HELL is Walt on the island?
2. What happened when Naomi's boat arrived?
3. Who was in the coffin?
4. Who made it off the island besides Jack and Kate?
5. Why does Jack want to go back?
Season 4?
There are so many directions they could go from here. Do they remain in the present and have flashbacks occur on the island, showing us how they were rescued and what happened in the process? Or are we still on the island in its time period, watching the future (I don't think it's this one, for the record)? Are the next three years about Jack, Kate and whoever else, getting back to the island, finding their redemption? Come the end, in May 2010, after everything I've read, I highly doubt our creators will leave us dissatisfied with the state of our heroes. It would be pretty upsetting to leave Jack as he is now, the fate of everyone else in the air. No, I think this show will end with an air of hope (the question is, how do they get there)... but good grief... who the hell could predict?
All I know is this:
1. LOST is amazing.
2. 8 months is unacceptable!!!
Im still... stupefied by that finale. Amazing... thats all I can say.
HEROES... thats how a finale's supposed to leave you... not looking at the tv quizzically looking at the tv thinking how something was missing from that.
No... a finales supposed to leave you frantically running to the computer to see what other people's thoughts are, anxiously awaiting the next day to discuss the episode at the office and making you have weird show-related dreams due to how shocked you were with the episode....
I couldn't agree more Wendell. I have so many other obligations today, but I can't stop thinking about the finale. Every moment was thrilling, and I have to re-watch it. Heroes should definitely take some notes.
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