Unfortunately, the last 48 will be spread out over three, 16 episode seasons. I'd much rather see two full seasons, but there are apparently some "international deals already in place." Grrrr...
I'm fully supportive of end-date television. It's nice when you can prepare to let go... when you know going in, how long it will last. LOST has never been one of those shows that should go on forever. I mean, you reach a point where you sort of HAVE to end it... so, smart move. And apparently, the "game changer" everyone keeps mentioning in this years finale will help us, "understand why the show cannot go longer than 48 more episodes."
Seriously... what do Damon and Carlton have up their dirty, little sleeves?
(A lesson for The Office. As much as I love you and will wail and gnash my teeth when you end, I'd rather see you go while on top. Give us at least two more good seasons and let's see where we stand, huh?)
Its no so bad. Sawyer is getting a daytime soap spin off called "Afternoon Delight."
Sorry, that was my comment.
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